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Submitting free online article to online article directories is the top strategy of SEO today and will remain in future. Article directories are growing day by day and will grow in future also but all the article directories are not equal in size or some uses to be very small scale and some uses to be very wide. Free online article submission is greatly pressured because you use to write article with hard work and you will not be wanting it to remain with you forever as that will be of no use, if you want people to read it than you should submit it to free articles site as many people uses to come on these directories for their own purposes and many will read your article if they found it of their interest. People use to find articles of their interest on search engines, and these sites make your article viewable on search engine results.
Free articles uses to be written generally to promote blog or website but if you are writing free articles to post on directories than make it sure that your free articles are based on keywords related to your blogs or websites. Free online article submission will submit your article under reference of certain keywords and a person who wants to find articles related to those keywords will only get to know about you free online articles. So keeping the keywords fact in mind while writing article is very important, taking a example, if you want to find articles related to designing then you will type any keywords in reference to designing to get the desired article, you will not type any keyword related to any other subject to find articles of your need. If you will make your article on keywords base then only it will become easily recognizable.
Many people uses to outsource their article writing work to get more work in less time and it have been giving employment to many people in the country, huge highs have been seen in business of freelance content writing in previous two years and it is expected that it will get growth of several times of present situation in coming time.