Image source: https://cdn.powerofpositivity.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/5-ways-to-completely-clear-negative-energy.jpg
The Power of Salt as a Cleansing Agent
Salt has been used for centuries as a purification agent. In the home or office, you can wipe the walls and other hard surfaces with a mild solution made from pure water and sea salt. To cleanse carpeted or upholstered areas that cannot be easily washed, simply sprinkle them with a bit of fine-grained sea salt. Once the area has been cleansed, you can help keep negative energy from returning by placing small containers of salt around the room, or by sprinkling a bit of salt in the room's corners. Salt can also be used as a personal cleansing agent by adding a handful of sea salt to your bath water.
Add Fragrance to the Air
Scenting the air in your living space can also be a great way to clear out the negative energy. Essential herbal oils or incense can be used to accomplish this task. If you'd like to add a healing aura to the room, try scenting it with the clean fresh scent of eucalyptus. Or, if you'd like to clear out negativity while inviting prosperity, try adding a mint fragrance. In the workplace, it's important to consider others in the office before using this method. In fact, some offices have policies that prohibit the use of fragrances. If this is the case, try growing a small mint plant. It won't add enough fragrance to the air to annoy others around you, but its mild scent will still help banish negative energy.
Chase Negative Energy Away with Sound
Sound can also be a powerful tool when used to rid an area of negative energy. The tinkling sound of a wind chime can increase the "yang" energy in a room, which will help push out residual negative energy. A bell can also be used to chase away negative energy. When using a bell, ring it as you enter the room. Then, walk around your room or office in a clockwise fashion, ringing the bell as you go. In the home, you can extend this cleansing ritual by repeating the procedure in every room. It can be helpful to really concentrate on closets, congested areas, hallways and corners, since these are spaces where negative energy tends to accumulate.